Short Film Competition 2025:
Call for Entries
We are excited to invite filmmakers to submit their works to UFFB 2025! We are looking for Ukrainian films, as well as films from around the world that are either created by Ukrainians or focus on Ukraine.
- Films must not exceed 35 minutes in length.
- Must have been completed no earlier than January 1, 2024.
- Submission Deadline: September 1, 2025.
By submitting a film to UFFB, you consent to its screening at the festival. It is the responsibility of the sender to ensure all necessary permissions have been obtained prior to submission.
For promotional purposes, UFFB may publish or share excerpts (up to 90 seconds or 10% of the film’s total length) with the press. Additionally, selected films may be made available in full to accredited press representatives for reporting purposes.
We look forward to discovering unique and cinematic works from and about Ukraine!
Submit your film via FilmFreeway!
Short Film Competition 2024 Award
Statement of the international jury of the Ukrainian Film Festival Berlin:
„We, the Jury, were impressed by the strong short film competition of this year's Ukrainian Film Festival Berlin. The different formats in the selection gave us the opportunity to experience very different perspectives. The award goes to a film which is at the same time casual and touching. The communication between the generations is told in an open and honest way, as is the dialogue with the camera. The strength the young protagonist recognizes in her grand mother's life experience suggests the proclamatic title. The Award for the Best Short film and the D-Facto Motion Award with a value of 7.000€ Postproduction services in-kind goes to…
"Boots on the Ground, Hands in the Soil" by Karolina Uskakovych
"Boots on the Ground, Hands in the Soil"
by Karolina Uskakovych
(Ukraine/United Kingdom/Netherlands, 2023)